Yui in Lund

: Photos :


- 2011

- 2009

- 2007

- 2006


+ 2006 + 2549 +

I am busy!
September to Thailand,
October finishing 8 final exams,
November applying for permanent residence permit to Sweden, now waiting for the Swedish Migration Board!
Then I will go to harass the Swedes again, promise!


STILL waiting!! As you see here (Page 2) (Page 3) (Page 4) (Page 5, Feb 19, 07) (Page 6, March 8, 07) , I took a course in making rings and armbands while waiting to take a course in Thai massage, and found out that the ladies around my home village are crazy to buy my products in the markets!

[Feb. 1, 2007] I know that many Iraqis are in trouble and want to move to Sweden, but why is that supposed to delay MY coming? I am damn tired of it, how long before they find out they really do not have to murder each other? While waiting to come to my PIGG we had a big successful Pig party - successful for all but the pigs!

[Feb. 12.] Migration in Sweden is down on 'August' and I applied in September, so now it should only be a few weeks more of waiting! Missing the whole - see my new photo album!

[March 6] Finally - letter from Migration, yippeeeee!

[March 20] General warning - now I have Residence Permit from this day and the following two years, so nobody will go safe in Sweden anymore, who displeases me!

[April 6] Put on Crash Helmet! I land this early morning!!! All birds on the landing strip are warned, Cat coming!


Visited Wan in Pitsanulok _________________________ November

Lobburi's Zoo

Around my home village ___________________________ October

Party with My Friends in Bangkok ___________________ 4 September

Saraburi Thailand to Lund Sweden__________________ 7-8 March

Traveled in Saraburi -- The Buddha's Footprint _______ February

China Town in BKK....well-known gold shops! _________ February

Blessing a New House ____________________________ January

Lamai Beach, KohSamui __________________________ January

Khaosan Road ,Bangkok __________________________ Dec'05 - Feb'06



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